Roles in the Safeguarding Structure

The PAC has been in existence since the mid 1990s. In recent years it has been restructured in accordance with national Church standards and best practice. Advisory Committee members are selected for their knowledge and experience in canon and civil law, working with victims/survivors of abuse, assessment and/or management of those who present a risk, and working with children in child protection roles.

To be responsible for all safeguarding practices by

  • Providing advice to the Provincial on the management of cases, involving allegations of child abuse made against members of the Irish Dominican Province.
  • Maintaining a record of the advice provided by the PAC to the Provincial.
  • Upholding the seven standards of the NBSCCCI in practice and behaviour.

In a Dominican context the prior or superior of the community fulfills this role, apart from those Dominican churches which also function as diocesan parish churches. In these instances, local safeguarding representatives are appointed and work in accordance with the safeguarding requirements of the respective diocesan area.

In the Dominican context, this role is carried out by the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) as set out below.

The Safeguarding Coordinator is responsible for coordination of all safeguarding practices as follows

  • Directing and implementing the child safeguarding statement and associated child safeguarding policy and procedures.
  • Liaising with and supporting Dominican apostolates and communities to ensure implementation of local policies and procedures.
  • Liaising with the Safeguarding Committee and the Advisory Committee.
  • Ensuring that all child safeguarding personnel are kept up to date with best practice, as communicated from the NBSCCCI and relevant statutory developments.
  • Reporting directly to the Provincial on all child safeguarding issues.

The Designated Liaison Person is appointed to promote safeguarding by

  • Receiving and hearing child safeguarding concerns.
  • Referring child safeguarding concerns to the statutory authorities, Gardai, Republic of Ireland, Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Tusla (Child and Family Agency), Republic of Ireland and/or Health Service Social Care Trust (HSCT), Northern Ireland
  • Managing cases and all associated documents.
  • Offering a support person and adviser to complainants and respondents, respectively, and liaising with them thereafter.
  • Liaising with the Provincial.
  • Conducting internal inquiries as and when required.
  • Monitoring respondents and/or, with the Provincial, appointing a suitable person to carry out this role.
  • Contributing to upholding the seven standards of the NBSCCCI in practice and behaviour. 
  • Completing an annual report regarding compliance with Standards 2, 3 and 4 for the Provincial.  
  • Notifying the NBSCCCI anonymously if an allegation concerns a Dominican friar.

The role of the support person is to promote safeguarding by

  • Keeping the complainant informed of the process of the case.
  • Helping direct the complainant to counselling and support.
  • Recording whatever meetings and/or contact they have with the complainant and reporting to the DLP as appropriate.
  • Upholding the seven standards of the NBSCCCI in practice and behaviour.

The role of the Advisor is to promote safeguarding by

  • Keeping the respondent informed of the progress of the case.
  • Helping direct the respondent to counselling and support.
  • Recording whatever meetings and/or contact they have with the respondent and reporting to the DLP as appropriate.
  • Upholding the seven standards of the NBSCCCI in practice and behaviour.

It is the responsibility of the Gardaí and the PSNI to investigate if a crime has been committed. They will liaise with the DLP, as appropriate.

It is the responsibility of Tusla and of HSCT to promote the welfare of children who are not receiving adequate care and protection and they will liaise with the DLP, as appropriate.

The National Board provides standards, guidance and supports, and audits their implementation in practice. The DLP will advise the NBSCCCI, anonymously, of safeguarding allegations, suspicions or concerns concerning Dominican friars.
